Mental Performance Coaching & Resilience Training for Athletes

Enhance Your Performance, Enhance Your Life


Reach your athletic goals faster!

Get access to the same techniques and skills that US Military, Professional Athletes and countless Olympians have been using for decades to be at their best when it matters the most. 

Are you an aspiring athlete that wants to improve your focus, confidence, motivation, consistency and overall "recruit-ability" to make it to the next level?

Are you an athlete (or parent of an athlete) that needs help with:

Bouncing back more quickly from mistakes

Dealing with fear of failure and perfectionism

Staying motivated to train

Your body or nerves feeling “out of control”

Performing more consistently


Are you motivated to work on all aspects of your mental & emotional game? If so, then Valston Coaching is for you.

Not Sure If You Need Mental Toughness Training?

Take this free quiz (Athletic Coping Skills Inventory) to find out how you score on the key components that build mental toughness.  If you are scoring low in any of the areas, mental skills training will help.  

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World Class Training

On demand training delivered through the Toughness Trainer App.  Online self-paced education courses that combine video instruction and activities to help you build skills in your desired area.  You can utilize community features to ask questions, get support and help applying what you are learning.  Some courses include group coaching.

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Personal Coaching 

One-on-one with Valerie Alston via Zoom. I am trained in behavior change and motivational techniques. Rather than acting as the expert and giving advice, I will create an environment that gives you permission to take the lead. I adhere to what you want, not what I think you should want. You determine your unique goals through a process of self-discovery and accountability, and I facilitate change at a pace set by you. The goal of these sessions is to give you personalized coaching and help you apply the techniques in this book to build your mental toughness.

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Team Consultation and Camp Instruction

Team sessions are designed and structured to address mental barriers that the team has in their day-to-day functioning or performance. This could include team building,  or mental skills instruction.  If you run sports camps or clinics and would like to bring added value to your athletes I can help by including mental skills instruction at your camp/clinic. 

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Foul Pole to Foul Pole Podcast

I had a wonderful time being interviewed about my book by Tyler Black on his Podcast.  In this episode we discuss why I chose the title of the book and dive into the more important lessons from the book. 

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Free 10 Min Video Report

Is your child an athlete? And would you love for them to have the best shot possible in earning a college scholarship? In this report, I’ll tell you exactly how I get young athletes to perform at levels they never thought possible. Specifically, you’ll discover how I went from being a part-time player in my junior year to walking away with a full-ride scholarship, all by how I managed my performance under bad circumstances.

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Mental Toughness Training

Mental Performance Training/Coaching focuses on helping the athlete/performer master the mental side of performance. The training pulls from the fields of sport psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness practices and research, motor learning, coaching science and developmental psychology that will help the athlete perform consistently in training and competition, increase motivation to stick to training/exercise programs, to enhance their grittiness, hardiness, and resilience and help individuals reach their potential.

Performance Skills

These skills are focused on helping athletes train more effectively and efficiently, and to excel in performance moments.

Perform at Your Best

Learn how to put mental skills into a personal performance plan that will set conditions for success. This helps athletes take control of the mental and emotional side of performance and gain a mental edge on the competition.

Life Skills

These skills are focused on helping your athlete build their self-awareness, effective thinking, optimism, communication skills and character to enable success in sport, academics, and life.

Build Your Resilience

Failure is a very common experience in sport and in life. If your athlete doesn’t have these skills it will be very difficult to excel in life. Resilience skills help athletes put sport in perspective, normalize failure and give them specific tools to build strong relationships.

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