Confident, Calm & Clutch Book Interview on Foul Pole to Foul Pole

podcast interview Mar 02, 2023

In an effort to share my hard-fought wisdom and expertise in mental toughness with more young people I decided to write a book.  

"Confident, Calm, & Clutch: How to Build Confidence and Mental Toughness for Young Athletes Using Sports Psychology" 

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In this book I explore my own personal experience as a young athlete through the lense of my now much older and wiser self.  I wanted to write something that would resonate with young athletes and their parents to help them navigate today's environment on youth sport.  

A lack of mental toughness is the biggest enemy of athletes. It can hinder your performance, fuel self-doubt, and lead you to give up at the slightest difficulty. 

Fortunately, mental toughness isn’t something you have to be born with. You can develop it through practice and dedication… so you can become more resilient and flexible and be able to challenge setbacks and turn them into breakthroughs.

In my book are practical strategies to build up your mental strength.  Inside, you'll discover:


  • A deeper understanding of mental toughness – the key to winning is how strong you rise every time you fall
  • A step-by-step guide to regulating your emotions to have the best possible outcome in any situation – embrace your feelings and be mindful of how they affect you!
  • How to be a "coachable" athlete and let go of the obsession for control – be accountable, assess all situations with caution, and make well-informed decisions!
  • How to build a support team that will take you to the championship – winners rely on a solid support system; losers go to battle alone
  • How to stop being self-critical and give yourself much-needed care – nurturing your body and your mind will take you to places
  • The importance of setting goals with values – by aligning your objectives with your principles, you're bound to make your dreams a reality
  • Practical mental drills to help you develop and strengthen your mental toughness so you’ll always be game-ready


And much more…


Before you can win any match, you need to win the battle inside your head first. Mental toughness is your secret weapon to get ahead of anyone in the game.

Listen as Tyler and I discuss specific sections of the book like mental toughness myths, setting effective goals and diving deeper into what it means to think positively.  


Listen Here



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