Confidence Kickstarter Workshop

 Learn how to 

#1 - Eliminate doubts and fears and play free, with more joy.

#2 - Grow from failure and become truly resilient

#3 - Perform at their highest potential consistently.

Buy Now $47

In this online workshop you will learn

The workshop will start with a quick introduction to what mental skills training is and how it can benefit athletes as they practice and perform their sport. 

Then I will introduce you to my Mental Edge Formula for excellence in sport, school and life.

 Specifically we will cover:

  1. How to Elevate Your Self-Awareness to fuel your understanding of where confidence comes from.
  2. The #1 mental hack that Unlocks a Winning Mindset which enables you to bounce back from failure and fuel confidence.
  3. And finally, we will discuss how to Unleash Excellent Performances  by using a deliberate reflection technique. 

 You will leave this workshop with very practical and specific ways to build, maintain and sustain mental toughness and confidence in any high pressure moment. 

In addition to the 3 focused lessons and recorded Q&A's, you will get 3 amazing bonuses!!

Bonus #1: Mental Toughness Journal Template (pdf version) which will help you elevate your self-awareness more quickly.

Bonus #2: Performance Plan Template and “how to” video to help you plan and develop an individualized plan for confidence in any performance moment.

Bonus #3: two free self-awareness assessments (Mindset Scale and Athletic Coping Skills Inventory) to help you quickly assess where you need to prioritize your effort first while you build your self-awareness. 



1. Elevate Your Self-Awareness  (Value $150)

2. Unlocks a Winning Mindset  (Value $150)

3. Unleash Excellent Performances  (Value $150) 


Bonus 1: Mental Toughness Journal Template  ($15 Value)

Bonus 2: Performance Plan Template and training video ($150 Value)

Bonus 3: Mindset and Coping Skills Assessments ($75)

Total Value = $690 


Get this amazing workshop and bonuses for just $47

Buy Now Just $47


Parents how will having better self-awareness and more confidence actually help your 11-18 year old athlete?  As a college athlete what can this do for you? 


Well let me ask a simple question, what is your life like when you feel more confident and aware of your own stuff?


You likely feel less worry and stress over the outcome because you know you can handle the situation.


You enjoy the process more.  Which means you spend more time in positive emotion instead of negativity. 


You perform better at “the thing” because you trust in your abilities and don’t second guess or doubt yourself.


You are better able to connect with the people around you (ie teammates, friends, spouse, etc) because you aren’t stuck in your head obsessing over the “what ifs”.


Parents, now imagine if your young son or daughter also experienced these same outcomes in their sport? At school? In their day to day life.  


How much better off would their future be if they were able to live with less fear, anxiety and doubt?  


What if throughout their adolescence they were able to have trust in their abilities regardless of the situation? 


And to know that failure is not the end of the world and that they can adapt, grow and even be better because of failure?  


How much better would your kids life and future be? 


College athletes, imagine if you could turn on your confidence at will!

Confidence doesn’t just impact your life, but also how you show up in a family, with siblings, with friends, teammates, etc.


The ability to be more confident will have ripple effects on those around you.


That is the value of this workshop and my programs.  


If that sounds like something you’d like your kid to have or that you would like for yourself, then sign up for the training to help you / your kid kickstart their confidence! 

(This is pre-recorded and can be watched on demand.  You get lifetime access)

Buy Now Just $47

“I loved how much all of the steps and ways to think about things were explained so well.  I really locked into the topic about control, influence and accepting. I was able to open my mind up about topics I didn't know what I needed to do with. I am excited about using these things in my practices and after them, then to the game and performing with these tips.”  -Will

“I loved how you gave examples to the things you were talking about. I would recommend this course, because I feel like this course would be helpful to build anyone's confidence.”  -Sydney