$129.00 USD

Every month

30 day trial
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Growth Club

As part of Growth Club, you get access to weekly group coaching calls.

This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own Mental Toughness journey.

These sessions allow you to ask questions about any of the content you have watched (from my programs), read in my book or the unique struggles you are facing as you play, coach or parent your sport. Most people find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles as them and to hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves and creating solutions. 

This is a wonderful addition to any of my programs.  Get real-time tips and expert advice. 

What you'll get:

  • Weekly Group Coaching - value $500 a month /$6000 a year 
  • Access to Growth Club Community - value $2997
  • Access recordings of all sessions - value $997

Total program value - $9994

But you get access today for just $99!!!